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Why your current skincare routine may be doing more harm than good...

DID YOU KNOW that all creams and moisturizers contain WAXES?  Yes...WAX! That includes your face, eye, neck and décolletage creams.  With repeated use, wax builds up on the surface of your skin causing an occlusive barrier. This waxy barrier prevents those beneficial nutraceuticals (that you are paying good $$ for) from ever penetrating the skin’s surface.  Creams and moisturizers may work at first, but eventually that wax barricade will prevent your product from delivering nutrients and peptides into your skin.  The reason you should care about this?..….WRINKLES.  
To make matters worse, waxes also clog pores! And we all know what that means…breakouts, acne, whiteheads and blackheads.

Smooth Shiny Skin

While waxes create a barrier of "protection",  keeping existing bacteria trapped in the skin, oils actually penetrate the surfaces they hit.  This is how Defy Naturally delivers all of the peptides and nutrients via the proprietary blend of 100% pure essential oils.


The result...  Clearer, healthier and younger looking skin.

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